Grains Result in Something Tasty (GRiST)

Northern Virginia’s HOMEBREW CLUB



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MEmbers Only

Next Meeting

Wednesday, Sept.​ 11

7 - 9​ PM

John Lyon VFW Post 3​150

2116 19th S​t N

Arlington, ​VA

GRiST Homebrew Club is organized in northern Virginia and serves all surrounding areas. We are a community of homebrewing and beer enthusiasts who are dedicated to the art of all things fermentation.

Get GRiST Gear


About GRiST Homebrew Club

GRiST Mission

  • To promote the home brewing hobby to its members and other interested parties;
  • To promote awareness and appreciation of the quality and variety of home brewed fermented beverages through science, education, and research;
  • To provide a framework and forum for members to share information and experiences;
  • To share home brewed samples with other members; and
  • To promote the responsible use and enjoyment of alcoholic beverages.

We are...

  • Affiliated with the American Homebrewers Association (AHA).
  • Associated with other local Washington, D.C. area home brew clubs for the cordial and shared advancement and better understanding of the art of homebrewing.
  • A responsible member of the communities of Northern Virginia.
  • Hosts of competitions and/or competes using the guidelines for brewing and judging styles of beer and mead as outlined by the Beer Judging Certificate Program (BJCP)

GRiST Leadership



Vice President



Steve Fischer

David Calhoun

Pete Janovsky

Nick Arleth


Competition Chair

Education Chair

Media/Outreach Chair

Social Chair

Kevin Obenland

Vincent Oliver

Dee Janovsky

Richard Horvitz

Membership Information

Membership dues are $20 per calendar year. Couples/households can join for $30 per year.

GRiST dues are used to fund supplies for educational sessions, outreach events and club activities as needed.

Education & Homebrew Help

Meetings feature an education session and homebrew share to help advance your homebrewing skills. Members also have access to the GRiST discord to chat about what’s brewing or on tap.

Brewing Together & Outreach

GRiST members can participate in the Big Brew and education outreach events like Learn to Homebrew Day. GRiST members also host the annual NoVA Classic competition.

Appreciating Beer Together

Join GRiST members for meet-ups, happy hours, brewery visits, the annual Pig Roast and Bottle Swap events, the Holiday Party and more.


How do I become a member?

Membership dues are $20 per calendar year and couples/households can join for $30 per year. You can pay your membership dues via PayPal by clicking here or sending to

What happens at meetings?

Meeting agendas usually have GRiST administrative items (~20 min), an educational component (30-60 min), and sharing/critiquing/discussing of homebrews brought by members (60-90 min).

Do I have to be a member to go to the meeting?

Meetings are open to all who are interested and you do not have be a member to attend. All brewers and beer lovers from across the DC-area are welcome.

Do I have to be a homebrewer to join?

Our members range from individuals with an appreciation for homebrewing to people who are aiming to brew for a living. If you are anywhere in that range of experience, you'll fit right in. All members must be of legal drinking age (at least 21).

When and where are the meetings?

Meetings take place the second Wednesday each month from 7-9 pm. We normally meet at the John Lyon VFW Post 3150 (2116 19th St N Arlington, VA), but may meet at other locations in Arlington/Alexandria.

Am I expected to drink at GRiST events?

At meetings or events you may be offered a beer sample. Any intake of alcohol at GRiST events is completely optional and at your discretion. GRiST strongly encourages all members and guests to drink responsibly .

What does my membership get me?

Members are added to a members-only email, Discord and Facebook groups. Members are also eligible to participate in club competitions, attend members-only events, serve as club officers, and vote on issues relating to club operations.

What should I bring to a meeting?

You don't have to bring anything, just yourself! You can bring homebrew to share with the group, but it is completely optional. Many members bring their own tasting glasses, but we have cups on hand too.

How do I stay updated on GRiST activities and events?

Come to our meetings :)

Follow us on social media

Keep scrolling for the events calendar.

GRiST Calendar

Click on each event name to get more information. For member-only events check the members calendar (link in Discord) or email for location information.

Want to see this calendar in your personal calendar? Click the +GoogleCalendar button on the bottom left and follow the prompts.

Belgian Beer Glass and Variety of Bottles in the Background

March 2024

Belgian Styles

Bring entries to the March GRiST meeting.

1st - Steve Fischer’s Tripel

2nd - Andrew Shore

3rd - Charlie Harr & Richard Horvitz

GRiST Club

Homebrew Competitions

Beer and Pretzels, Oktoberfest Party

Picnic ​2024

Kick the Keg Com​petition

Bring your entry to the Sept. 7 GRiST pi​cnic.

1​st -

2​nd -

3​rd -

beer glass

September 2024

Lager Styles

Bring entries to the Sept. GRiST meeting.

1st -

2nd -

3rd -

Glass of dark beer

December 2024

Strong Ale Styles

Bring entries to the Dec. GRiST meeting.

1st -

2nd -

3rd -

NoVA Classic

AHA/BJCP sanctioned homebrew competition organized by GRiST since 2017 and all proceeds benefit the John Lyon VFW Post 3150. The NoVA Classic also features the John Lyon Award open only to veterans, active duty personnel, and their dependents.


2023 NoVA Classic

2022 NoVA Classic

2019 NoVA Classic

2018 NoVA Classic

2017 NoVA Classic

2024 NoVA Classic Dates Coming Soon!

2023 NoVA Classic Information

Registration: September 1 - October 21, 2023

Drop-off/mail-in window: October 7 - 28, 2023

Judging Date: November 4, 2023

Click here for competition entry page


Please reach out to if you’re interested in sponsoring the 2024 NoVA Classic. Click here to learn more about sponsorships.


The GRiST Homebrewer of the Year (HBoY) and GRiST Brewer of the Year (GBoY) are a "battle royale" to settle who the best brewer in the club is (at least for that year) . Both competitions are only open to current, dues-paying GRiST members.





Charlie Harr

Nick Arleth


Andrew Shore




Tim Gerbracht

Charlie Harr


Paul Richelmi

Paul Richelmi


Tim Gerbracht

Tyler Nelson

Homebrewer of the Year (HBoY)

Recognizes the brewer that best represents GRiST outside the club in external BJCP competitions. Points are awarded for entering and placing in BJCP competitions.

Brewers will be limited to their 5 best results from different BJCP subcategories (i.e., 3B, 21B). Results must be submitted within 2 months of the competition’s completion using the form below. Entries made with a club other than GRiST will not count. Please note, GRiST’s NoVa Classic is considered a BJCP competition and is NOT an internal competition.

GRiST Brewer of the Year (GBoY)

Recognizes the brewer that performs best in GRiST competitions and contributes to the club through participation in club-sponsored activities. To be eligible, you must volunteer at one outreach event or education session.

Outreach events are anything where GRiST promotes our club and the hobby of homebrewing, including GRiST’s NoVA Classic, National Learn to Homebrew Day, participating in an educational session, acting as a brewing mentor, hosting a happy hour, or any other activity that is elective and furthers the club's mission.

JamBEERee Feb 2022

The five DC-area homebrew clubs got together to share beers and have a Beer-&-Food Pairing Competition

Whew, you made it to the end -

time for a homebrew!

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GRiST is a non-profit 501(c) 7 membership organization.